Sing by George Michael
在他2000年出的這一章世紀精選「Songs from the last century」
尤其是這一首「the first time ever I saw your face」在George Michael 特殊的唱腔之下,不管是在開車遊車河把妹、或是在大雨的日子自己一個人聆聽,都分外的美。Celine Dion也有翻唱過啦,大家比較常聽的該都是她的版本吧。
另外推薦的是「Miss Sarajevo」同樣的歌,U2也有不同的演繹,在U2請來帕華洛蒂在中間演唱一段歌劇,跟George Micheal 中間的間奏音樂演繹。個人比較喜歡U2的版本,因為中間見奏太長了,帕華洛蒂的演唱有畫龍點睛之效。
在網路上D/L一張「Song of love」不小心又聽到了這首歌,就又想起這樣一張CD....
CD太多的壞處就是....CD太多很難找,但辛辛苦苦翻出來找到那一首在腦中飄盪的theme song時,就會有很大的滿足感。
還有一個壞處就是....Where is the CD....我借給誰了?....
The First Time Ever I Saw Your FaceArtist: GEORGE MICHAEL
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and endless skies, my love
To the dark and empty skies
The first time ever i kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hands
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
That was there at my command
The first time i ever lay with you
And felt you heart so close to mine
And i knew our joy would fill the world
And would last till the and of time, my love
It would last till the end of time
The first time ever i saw your face Your face, your face
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